Past Events
2016/2017 Session

The Matlab programme had organize by IEEE UTHM SB under KKE FKEE on 17th September 2017. The objective of this program is to give early exposure for the first year student of Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in UTHM

This is the first programme that has been held by IEEE UTHM SB, the programme is about to announce to the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FKEE) and also to Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM) about the new club which is IEEE UTHM Student Branch. The objective of this club is to create and opportunity for Undergraduate and Postgraduate student to gain an experience about handling the program that related to the society or the technical activities.

2017/2018 Session

More than 100 students come from Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik & Elektronik (FKEE) was served with coffee and snacks. This session allowed the new students to make friendship with their senior and students from their own faculty.

IEEE DAY is celebrated on 3rd October 2018. The day to celebrate the progress and all of the activities has been done in 2017. On this day, we are having fun activities with the all of the committee, lecturers and also the supporters which is among UTHM student itself

IEEE UTHM Student Branch had organized E-waste Campaign on 16th October until 22nd November 2018. This campaign lead by Anis Suhaili Bakri with executive members was held at Mint-SRC, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

IEEE UTHM Student Branch had organized a Meet-Up with IEEE UTHM SB first Supporters in 2018 on 5th of May 2018.

On 3rd September– 10th October 2018, IEEE UTHM SB with Parliament of Sri Gading and Minister of Education Johor conducts a TEDSAT 2.0 program involves participants from students secondary school area Sri Gading.